
Links on Cybernetics and Systems Science

General Systems Theory and Earth Science : an introduction to systems thinking

Advances in Systems Science and Applications : electronic journal from the International Institute for General Systems Studies

University of Linz Institute of Systems Science , with free software for Computer-Aided Systems Theory (CAST)

International Institute for General Systems Studies

MIT’s Systems Dynamics Group and its System Dynamics in Education Project , led by Jay Forrester

Institute for Systems Research (engineering) at Harvard

Decision Analysis and Operations Research on the Web

Whole Systems : a more New Age style application of systems thinking

Selected References to Systems Research on the Web (mostly the same as on this page)

Jeffrey Dooley’s Systems and Cybernetics page

Martin Hall’s Cybernetics and Systems page

International Council for Systems Engineering

Systems Science and Mathematics at Washington University

Center for Systems Science

Center for Systems Studies, Univ. of Hull

Systems Science and Industrial Engineering Department at Binghamton University , led by G. Klir, see also the old page

Antioch Whole Systems Design Home Page

Institute for Systems Research (ISR) at the Univ. of Maryland

The Institute for Integrative Studies at George Mason University , headed by John Warfield

Systemic University on the Net (SUN) : development and teaching of Systems Dynamics concepts

John McPherson’s page on Living Systems Theory

the Mundi Causa Society , for the advancement of Societal Systemics, organizes email discussion workshops on global social and economic problems

Martin Ryder’s links on Cybernetics, Systems Theory and Complexity

Intelligent Systems and their Societies : an introductory e-book by Walter Fritz

The Systems’ (R)evolution : Ramon Noguera’s collection of links on Systems Theory, Social Evolution, and World Politics

Dave Swenson’s Systems Theory Site , with lots of links

Guenther Ossimitz’s System Dynamics / Systems Thinking Mega Link List

Hellenic Society of Systemic Studies